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Index: Poetry & Fiction


Brian Swann: ‘I don’t know where, it almost feels sinful having no purpose,
Naturalized nowhere and everywhere as I ease through…’


Kelvin Corcoran: ‘I remember from your hospital bed the sky
and the high window opened a little,
far below the tide rolls back and forth
but this is just one-way, though not a word lost.’

A Life in Poetry: Peter Robinson.

Peter Robinson:’I’m a northerner, but not a ‘proud’ or ‘professional’ one. Liverpool, where my mother still lives, as do two of my dearest friends, is the only place I can call my hometown.’

‘Summer’s Surface’ and two more poems.

Marc Vincenz: ‘we slip through
the noose of home
and prance out’

Seven poems

Hoyt Rogers: ‘Still, it is only a mask over mild, imperturbable eyes: you enfold our farthest horizon. Kindly, you cock your head to one side, refulgent as the harvest moon. Your touch is in the residue of things, “our lives and our loves”; the chance design, flitting for a second on the screen; the accidents, the plan; the worn-out clothes; the knuckles, the elbows, the spine.’

Sundry Updates.

Richard Foreman: ‘It’s wispy.  I’m a concept.  So many people – 40%ers – have thought of me that I began to feel like I could just begin to exist.’

Words in the Dark 3.

W.D. Jackson: Flattering, complaining, wrangling, he
Waged life like a one-man guerrilla war
Against a Romantic century:
Destroyed but undefeated, he bore
A lot of painful poetry –’

Sailing Ashland Avenue.

Robert Archambeau: ‘Thinking of your old school in Omaha.
Outside your office window red clouds sailed,
Menacing the Ashland sky like prairie dust in Texas.’

All This While.

Michael Anania: ‘I return, as always,
to light and shadow, strains
of familiar music, lyrics
filled with love and absence…’

13 Ways of Looking at Light in Chicago.

Garin Cycholl: ‘pistol flashes into neon;
the cop show calls for extras’

For Jens.

Kriatian Leth: ‘And you won’t read this poem
I don’t say that because I know something
but because you never read poetry’

OED Poems.

  By LEA GRAHAM. • Widdershins, (n.) counter-clockwise; to do anything backwards. For Catherine Kasper, in memoriam There is the hero who struggles east widdershins to free the dawn… he must struggle alone toward the pyres of Day. —Robert Duncan i. I woke up yesterday thinking “Wonder Twins,” that old cartoon in which the heroes […]

Skinning a cat.

Wendy Clayton: ‘I thought
she chose a chaste life
by not adding to the population’

Three Thai poems.

Anthony Howell: ‘Thin sugarless canebrakes raise their good-for-nothing plumes
Against the dawn, and in despite of noon, and to the night.’

Trees As Lived.

Peter Larkin: ‘Any tree-total upland is tireless, swathed in indurate spoil, horizontal furling, sitka comprehensives’