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Index: Poetry & Fiction

Four Poems on Affairs of State.

Peter Robinson: ‘That Haunted House across the park
with name in red graffiti letters
on tromp-l’oeil weatherboarding is
so very much the worse for wear…’

Among the Enlighteners.

Tom Phillips: ‘Where we look is a decision, not seeing things entire.’

Bare trees.

Cole Swensen: ‘Shade also quenches thirst, which has to do with a darkness that absorbs regret, running over your skin in thin sheets of crow dissolved in equal parts rain and gusting wind.’

Four poems from ‘La luce immutabile’.

Flavio Ferraro: ‘I know, there is greater glory
than a stalk, and greater
mysteries the forest conceals
than this maiden acorn.’

The Course of Empire: Reloaded.

Kornelia Koepsell: ‘Oppressors, tyrants, butchers on the stair,
ascending thrones and bawling: I am God,
which no one had the courage to declare
before, and everyone proclaims: I’m polyglot.’

Shostakovich, Eliot and Sunday Morning.

E.B. Smith, jr.: ‘The poet’s friend
crosses the room
with the limping tread’


Peter McCarey: ‘So when you see that filament heat the lamp,
The a-machine says one. Otherwise it’s signifying Nothing.’


Lucian Staiano-Daniels: ‘The fiddle and shawms go round and they shuffle and tap, the soldiers. Eyes shut turn on turn. His bridle is silver, his saddle is gold, the value of his harness has never been told. Their bare feet slap the dust.’

From ‘Emily Dickinson’s Lexicon’.

Katie Lehman: ‘After the afternoon fell and an evening beam
trod across her rose papered wall, her
blush plum paisley stole.’

Poems and prose poems.

Geo Milev: ‘Today …

speak: do you see through the lie
of these destructive dreams?’

The Gearagh.

Katherine Meehan: ‘Whatever agonies speak
deep in the marrow, do not
on the surface of this evening.’


Paul A. Green: ‘The lights of the town seem to be shrinking, swelling, pulsing. ‘A circlet of God’s silver tapestry spread across Nature’s Night.’ Even bad poetry is better than no poetry at all.’

Awkwardness that is visible.

Rupert M Loydell: ‘Team up with the supernatural in order to escape people you once trusted.’


Brian Swann: ‘I don’t know where, it almost feels sinful having no purpose,
Naturalized nowhere and everywhere as I ease through…’


Kelvin Corcoran: ‘I remember from your hospital bed the sky
and the high window opened a little,
far below the tide rolls back and forth
but this is just one-way, though not a word lost.’