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from White Ivory, chapters 1 & 2

chapters 3 & 4 > A Fortnightly Serial. By ALAN WALL. • Chapter One. Attraction WO CARS ARE moving towards each other on a winter night. It is a country road and there is no roadside illumination. Only the carlights. These beams swerve and shudder and prod the tarmac, the grass, the trees. Occasionally they […]

Poems from Prière (1924)

By Pierre Jean Jouve. Translated by Will Stone.   Snows he wind of afternoon on the highest day of the year breath, coldness and warm impetuosity. The snows cannot loosen their dark noose, the pink mountain in peace reveals its rocks, makes known its immensity, informs all of its immortal death. The sky is forbidden […]

Civilizing, Selling, and T. S. Eliot Curled Up Behind the Encyclopædia Britannica

By G. KIM BLANK. The only book, except the Bible, which has followed the Anglo-Saxon around the world. —ad for Encyclopædia Britannica, 1911 The New Encyclopædia Britannica is a complete and modern exposition of thought, learning and achievement to 1910, a vivid representation of the world’s activities, so arranged and classified as to afford a […]

Immortal Wreckage

And Four More New Poems By Will Stone.   Immortal Wreckage A souvenir of Old Vézelay hat silence could have once existed, to keep the doves so still in their niches. The wire hum of the cloister bats ushered in the last dark-robed monk who had climbed along decayed walls of fortress towers, massive and […]

Some guts

By SIMON COLLINGS. with collages by John Goodby. ◊ Now how about a night-cap before turning in Mr Greb, it is Greb isn’t it, or perhaps you fancy something stronger? —Ann Quin, Berg So, for example, if I should say, in a letter to a friend, ‘Our brother Tom has just got the piles,’ a […]

The campus novel.

Fortnightly Fiction. By PETER ROBINSON. Some time ago it was the fashion, and perhaps it is so still, to append to the title of a novel the words: a true story. Well, that is a little innocent deception … —Georg Christoph Lichtenberg. UPPOSE YOU’LL be putting us all in your next one,’ I found myself […]

Snapshot, Sachsenhausen

and three more new poems. By Peter Blair. • Snapshot, Sachsenhausen his is me in the execution trench — under the automatic gallows in front of the bullet-stopper, knotting a silk scarf as you shoot, suspend and capture me. In that panopticon, we can’t have missed the concrete obelisk and fractured phial, the hanging-pole that […]

Charlie Boy and Captain Fitz.

A One-Act Play. By ALAN WALL. ♦ Cast Charles Darwin Robert Fitzroy Primate Skull Samuel Wilberforce Thomas Henry Huxley Guide Visitor ♦ The scene is Down House in Kent. Charles Darwin’s study. There is a miscellany of books papers, prints, insects, slides, rocks, samples, a microscope, tweezers and magnifying glasses, as there was in his […]

In memory of

By JOHN TAYLOR.  with drawings by Sam Forder.   a tree trying to take root in the chilly air while you sit on a branch in its crown along the wet ground and breathe deeply • another tree stands on the same muddy bank the surrogate shore the trembling reflection of its needles in backwater […]

from ‘The Runiad’ books 1 & 2

from Books 3 & 4 > A Fortnightly Serial. By ANTHONY HOWELL. ◊ ANTHONY HOWELL writes: My own romantic notion of myself has encouraged me to attempt an epic. It will have 24 books and be the same length as the Odyssey. Each book will be approximately 24 pages long, with three seven-line verses per page. […]

Master Singer.

Chronicler, Novelist, Storyteller By CONOR ROBIN MADIGAN.   N EXHAUSTIVE PUBLISHING of Isaac Bashevis Singer’s children’s stories during his lifetime and well after — beginning with Zletah The Goat in 1966 and ending in 2015 with The Parakeet Named Dreidel — has made the novels and work preceding the juvenilia more interesting and powerful. But […]

Four prose poems.

By Olivia Tuck. ♦ Marker’s Comments: 1 irst thoughts upon reading portfolio draft: the work is interesting | if typical of a younger woman with your | ahem | anyway | fairly confident in voice | a nice turn of phrase | a focus | a sense of effort | excuse my candour | but […]

Six haibun.

By Sheila E. Murphy.  ◊ Shoofly Pie ndow the cow toward matrilineal détente. Align, arraign, detain, refrain. Compos mentis, manu-fixtured decibels to drown out priest speak. Diction of addiction, pressure test, the breast. The side effects of context. Blame game face two-ply, like most discarded flings. Shoofly pie spawns attractive crumbs wedged between repeat signs. […]

John Matthias’s ‘Some Words on Those Wars’

A Fortnightly Review. Some Words on Those Wars by John Matthias Dos Madres Press  2021  | 320 pp. | $33.00 By Garin Cycholl. ◊ e kill at a distance, complicit both in the act and its reach. Take the distance of Homer’s warriors versus medieval archers, artillery gunners, bombardiers, or contemporary drone pilots with their […]

‘King of infinite space’.

The Virtue of Uncertainty. By ALAN WALL. ◊ t is a curious fact, a vivid historical coincidence, that the great French scientist Laplace was formulating his notions at precisely the same moment that John Keats was writing his letters about Shakespeare. Laplace was an eloquent spokesman for classical causality: we can summarise this crudely by […]