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Cluster index: Will Stone

Endangered Antiquarian.

A Requiem for the Old Bookshops of Europe. By WILL STONE. ◊ ne by one, like lights going out in an office building at dusk, antiquarian bookshops are dying out across Europe, but who is even aware of the implications of this decline apart from their struggling owners and that minority of dedicated bibliophiles who […]

Tyne Cot.

Written for the 106th Anniversary of the Battle of Passchendaele, November 2017 By Will Stone.     few miles outside Ypres in West Flanders on a gently rising slope stands the largest military cemetery in the Commonwealth. Its name, Tyne Cot, originates from the low farm buildings which once stood on the summit, buildings whose […]

Poems from Prière (1924)

By Pierre Jean Jouve. Translated by Will Stone.   Snows he wind of afternoon on the highest day of the year breath, coldness and warm impetuosity. The snows cannot loosen their dark noose, the pink mountain in peace reveals its rocks, makes known its immensity, informs all of its immortal death. The sky is forbidden […]

Immortal Wreckage

And Four More New Poems By Will Stone.   Immortal Wreckage A souvenir of Old Vézelay hat silence could have once existed, to keep the doves so still in their niches. The wire hum of the cloister bats ushered in the last dark-robed monk who had climbed along decayed walls of fortress towers, massive and […]

Missing in Mechelen.

The Search for Estera Pesa Nasielski To commemorate the eightieth anniversary of the resistance attack on the twentieth Jewish convoy from Mechelen, Belgium to Auschwitz Birkenau, Poland on 19 April 1943.   By Will Stone.   oday there is no one left alive who remembers Estera Pesa Nasielski of Brussels as a living person. She […]

At Risk of Interment.

W.G. Sebald in Terezin and Breendonk.     By Will Stone. I don’t think you can focus on the horror of the Holocaust. It’s like the head of the Medusa. You carry it with you in a sack, but if you looked at it, you’d be petrified. —W.G. Sebald     Preface he two locations […]