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Index: Poetry & Fiction

August – Prose and Poetry – 2024

♦   I. Jane Satterfield | Between the Dog & the Wolf and four more poems ◊ Between the Dog & the Wolf is the hinge between the mythic & the mundane, the scrim of light where the shepherd’s alert to the shifting shape at the edge of the flock— II. Clive Watkins | Intercontinental […]

Zion Offramp

By: MARK SCROGGINS. ◊ Introduction from the Author: When I began Zion Offramp in the summer of 2015—at first without title, then under another title best forgotten—I knew little of where I was going, only that I wanted to attempt a poem of substantial length whose modular or serial structure would allow me to explore as many […]

Elegy: Tyrone Williams

By: NORMAN FINKELSTEIN. ◊Image credit: Aldon Nielson A Tomb for Tyrone Williams auntology: the study of things that are gone but are still there; the study of the invisible powers that move us, control us, or perhaps free us, body and soul. Body and soul: the body living and dying, the body politic, Leviathan, or […]

Three Poems by Kelvin Corcoran

By: KELVIN CORCORAN. ◊ From Position-Zero ius-strokes from position-zero!’ John Berryman It came back to me, burnt bodies hanging in the bird-less trees singing for their lives, the unnamed ghosts of smoke in Dadia forest. The list is endless, the loss endless, we might learn something by listening. Ritsos, Sikelianos, Seferis, Elytis, heard the land […]

Two Poems by Frank Nims

By FRANK NIMS. Walking Down First Avenue the Other Day, They Were Tearing Down That Place We Used to Hang Out All the Time When It Was New nd we went together as well as Bobby Hackett and Lee Wiley as black coffee and an ocean breeze as a front porch swing and a rainy […]

Two Poems by Paige Blackburn

By PAIGE BLACKBURN. ◊ Stopping by the Valley on a Snowy Evening “Illinois Valley man arrested after shooting, escaping on lawn mower, police standoff” —   he murders, here, are as sure as the wallabies, the boa constrictors, the chemical rain, the explosions, drug busts, suicides, mine collapses and sinkholes, hospital closures, fast food arsonists, […]

The Phonographic Commission and two more poems

By ALISTAIR NOON. ◊ The Phonographic Commission an I read or write? No sir. Speak loud and clearly? Yes. Can I sing my homeland? I tell him the hills I left when soldiers made me a soldier. Cigar Man nods. His nib moves on as a blackbird addresses the camp from a birch. My nib […]

Four Prose Poems by the Piqueray Twins

◊ Professionals aving scaled the wall, they leapt over the bristling shards of broken glass, hoping to land softly in the slop-pile left over from last year’s meager scrapings. As they fell endlessly, they came to the conclusion that they must have picked the wrong wall. Growing used to the void, they started to think […]

from ‘The Runiad’ book 12

< from Book 11 A Fortnightly Serial. By ANTHONY HOWELL.   ◊ ANTHONY HOWELL writes: My own romantic notion of myself has encouraged me to attempt an epic. It will have 24 books and be the same length as the Odyssey. Each book will be approximately 24 pages long, with three seven-line verses per page. I have […]

from ‘The Runiad’ book 11

< from Book 10 A Fortnightly Serial. By ANTHONY HOWELL. ◊ ANTHONY HOWELL writes: My own romantic notion of myself has encouraged me to attempt an epic. It will have 24 books and be the same length as the Odyssey. Each book will be approximately 24 pages long, with three seven-line verses per page. I have […]

Five tanka manipulating form.

By Lucian Staiano-Daniels. ◊ Chicago Tribune September 26, 1962 sonny liston looms out of greasy ink like the whole keyboard pressed at once god created the golem but he did not tell you where to keep it • nude descending i never fixed my gaze never gazed at any boy gaze upon boy who more […]

Between the dog & the wolf.

And Four More New Poems.By Jane Satterfield. ◊ Between the Dog & the Wolf s the hinge between the mythic & the mundane, the scrim of light where the shepherd’s alert to the shifting shape at the edge of the flock— Between the dog & the wolf, the vanishing distinctions of fur, legends of packs […]


And Four More Poems. By LINDA BLACK. ◊ ABC A. Arturo    Anton   Artaud . . . icle   . . .  ifact     . . . ifice &&&&&&     ➳ ➳ ➳ Apples    Apropos    Arcimboldo Ai Weiwei,   “Dropping a Han Dynasty Urn” 1995: The wilful  desecrAtion of an historic  […]

Selections from Baudelaire.

Les Fleurs du Mal (1857)                 Translated by Will Stone. ◊ Spleen luvius, exasperated with the whole city, Tips from his urn torrents of dismal cold Over the ghastly tenants of a nearby cemetery, And on the fog bound suburbs unrelenting mortality. My cat, her mangy wasted body […]


By Michelene Wandor. ◊ Bashshayt a triple-domed mosque bats and weeds   no trace of lives on the hill above the village, running through ruins stone houses      someone says this used to be an Arab village the Arabs ran away     no-one says why (later you read about 1948 and deserted villages) the houses are falling down […]