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More than enough x 29.


I’VE HAD ENOUGH of the media automatically labelling as “right wing” or “far right” any individual or group who disagrees publicly with mass immigration.

I’ve had enough of the media foregrounding women and children in all their reports on immigrants from the Middle East and Africa, when we all now know that more than 71% of migrants are fit young males.

I’ve had enough of the media surreptitiously changing terminology so that we no longer hear of “immigrants”, but “migrants” or the more emotive “refugees” and “asylum seekers”.

I’ve had enough of the media greeting immigrants with a cheery “Hello to Europe” as if they’re some official welcoming party on behalf of the rest of us.

I’ve had enough of the media never interviewing the residents of the Greek islands or any other places where vast number of immigrants are landing, and asking them what effect this is having on their lives.

I’ve had enough of the media never discussing what effect mass immigration is having and will have in terms of housing, education, economics, culture, etc, particularly with regard to the indigenous populations in the rest of Europe.

I’ve had enough of the media and the political establishment demanding that we, the indigenous citizens, accommodate ourselves to the incomers and adapt to their ways, rather than vice versa.

I’ve had enough of well-meaning but soft-headed people on Twitter and Facebook going on about how “we” have to accept more immigrants because we have some moral duty to do so, irrespective of the consequences.

I’ve had enough of the media deliberately and persistently failing to inform the public about the EU — what it is, how it works, what it is responsible for, what effects it has on our daily lives — so that the majority of people are basically ignorant of it.

I’ve had enough of the media deliberately and persistently failing to inform the public about the EU — what it is, how it works, what it is responsible for, what effects it has on our daily lives — so that the majority of people are basically ignorant of it.

I’ve had enough of the government never telling us when some new piece of legislation or regulation is in truth simply the implementation of EU law. And I’ve had enough of the media never telling us either.

I’ve had enough of the media giving airtime to pressure groups and sockpuppet charities who demand that one foodstuff or another be banned or taxed, or that the government should spend more money on cycle lanes or institute “programmes” to stop people eating themselves into obesity.

I’ve had enough of the media reporting stories about inequality and poverty on the one hand while reporting on the obesity “epidemic” on the other, without seeing the contradiction that you can’t have obesity and poverty in the same demographic at the same time.

I’ve had enough of the media enthusing over some new cancer cure or wonder drug when the possibility of it ever coming to market is ten years in the future at least.

I’ve had enough of politicians saying they’ll do “whatever it takes” to solve whatever problem they and their predecessors created in the first place, even though the chance of them having the intelligence or courage to do so is nil.

I’ve had enough of actors pontificating in public about immigration, the steel industry, the welfare state, or funding by big corporations. In fact, I’ve had enough of actors talking about anything except themselves and the business of acting.

I’ve had enough of the BBC, the Guardian and yes, even outlets such as The Telegraph demonising Israel by reporting uncritically any propaganda put out by the Palestinians and their supporters in the west; and for deliberately not reporting Arab attacks on Israeli citizens – but then blaming Israel when it retaliates.

I’ve had enough of the growing acceptance of anti-Semitism under the guise of anti-Zionism (“Oh, I’m not criticising Jews, just Israel.”), as if these people would care one iota about Israel if it were not a Jewish state.

I’ve had enough of Jews who support the left and don’t realise they’re complicit in their own destruction, because they can’t see that anti-Semitism and leftism are inextricable.

I’ve had enough of people who think borders shouldn’t exist or that anyone anywhere has the right to move to any part of the world they want to because, like we’re all immigrants, yeah?

I’ve had enough of intellectuals repeating the stale leftist dogma that nation states are just a construct, implying that there is nothing authentic or meaningful about them and that if we just abolished them utopia would follow.

I’ve had enough of atheist lefties coming up with “what would Jesus do?”, as if they’ve dealt any question the ultimate coup de grace by dragging in religion.

I’ve had enough of the same ignorant lefties declaring that Jesus would have been a firm supporter of the welfare state because he was a “socialist”.

I’ve had enough of the same zombies letting Islam off the hook all the way because it’s “a religion of peace” when they haven’t even read the Koran, and dismiss any criticism of it as Islamophobia.

I’ve had enough of the state thinking that all of our individual wealth is theirs to dip into whenever they want.

I’ve had enough of the serfs who think all of our wealth is there for the state to dip into whenever it wants.

I’ve had enough of teachers’ unions and their regressive left wing simpleton leaders spending more time on pushing a political agenda than looking after their members’ working conditions. And for furthering a profoundly destructive anti-British ethos and for failing to give pupils a decent education.

I’ve had enough of academics in the humanities and social sciences peddling a covert and often overt leftist agenda while preening themselves on their “objectivity”.

I’ve had enough of the anti-fossil fuel brigade (especially the anti-frackers) who think we can simply abandon gas and oil and magically make everything work just as well with wind farms and solar energy.

I’ve had enough of many other things, but you get my drift. I have the feeling I’m not alone.

suxcoverCurrente Calamo columnist, poet, writer and lecturer Michael Blackburn lives in Lincolnshire . From 2005–2008 he was the Royal Literary Fund fellow at the University of Lincoln where he now teaches English Literature and Creative Writing. His poetry has appeared in numerous publications and anthologies over the years, including Being Alive (Bloodaxe) and Something Happens, Sometimes Here (Five Leaves Press). His most recent collection is Spyglass Over The Lagoon. A selection of his Fortnightly Currente Calamo columns, Sucks To Your Revolution: Annoying The Politically Correct (US), is available as a Kindle ebook.

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