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Dear Jake: poem found; shoes missing.

By RICHARD LEA [Guardian] – A missing piece in the portrait drawn by Philip Larkin of his secretary and lover, Betty Mackereth, has been filled in with the discovery of a previously unpublished poem, “Dear Jake”.

Discovered in a tatty envelope for internal Hull University communications among a shoebox full of letters, the poem is a touching address to a woman who brought some happiness to the latter period of Larkin’s life.

The poem was found by the producer Simon Pass during the making of a documentary about the poet’s relationship with Mackereth, due to be shown on BBC4 …to mark 25 years since his death in 1985. According to Pass, the fact that the poem was typed is a signal that this should be considered “a completed piece”.

Pass said that the manuscript was enclosed with a card from Larkin saying, “This is for you. You can sell it later on,” and explaining that it should be read in conjunction with “Posterity”, his 1968 poem imagining a cynical biographer misunderstanding his life.

The former poet laureate, Andrew Motion, who first revealed the relationship in a biography of Larkin published in 1993 and who presents the programme, said that while the poem is “not absolutely premier division Larkin”, it is a marvellous discovery.

“It’s a little, new piece of the jigsaw,” he said, “which gives a very sweet and touching picture of this episode of his life”. Larkin’s relationship with his secretary changed in 1976 after the poet suggested she should invite him in for coffee, he explained, though as she had been his secretary for 19 years “he didn’t exactly pounce”. “Dear Jake” dates from this year.

Continued at The Guardian | More Chronicle & Notices.

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