Active Editors
Joshua Corey | Professor of English at Lake Forest College. Editor-in-Chief of The Fortnightly Review New Series.
A poet, critic, translator, and novelist, Joshua Corey received his MFA from the University of Montana in 1999, was a Stegner Fellow in Poetry at Stanford University from 1999-2001, and earned a PhD in English Literature from Cornell University in 2007. His books include How Long Is Now (Spuyten Duyvil, 2022), a novel; Hannah and the Master (MadHat Press, 2021), a poetic masque on the philosophical love affair of Hannah Arendt and Martin Heidegger; The Transcendental Circuit: Otherworlds of Poetry (MadHat Press, 2017), a collection of critical prose; Partisan of Things (Kenning Editions, 2016), a new translation, with Jean-Luc Garneau, of Francis Ponge’s Le parti pris des choses; The Barons (Omnidawn Publishing, 2014), a poetry collection; Beautiful Soul: An American Elegy (Spuyten Duyvil, 2014), a novel; and the Dorset-prize winning Severance Songs (Tupelo Press, 2011), a collection of post-sonnets. With G.C. Waldrep he co-edited The Arcadia Project: North American Postmodern Pastoral (Ahsahta Press, 2012). He maintains a Substack, Dream of a Rarebit Fiend, where he comments on movies, literature, and Patrick O’Brian’s Aubrey-Maturin series of historical novels.
Robert Archambeau | Professor of English at Lake Forest College. Poetry Editor (US) of The Fortnightly Review New Series.
Robert Archambeau’s numerous books include poetry collections (such as Home and Variations and The Kafka Sutra), collections of essays, (including The Poet Resigns and Inventions of a Barbarous Age), anthologies (such as Vectors: New Poetics), and scholarly studies (Laureates and Heretics and Poetry and Uselessness from Coleridge to Ashbery). His novel Alice B. Toklas is Missing will appear in November of 2023 and a new poem, ‘Sailing Ashland Avenue,’ is here in the Fortnightly. email:
Peter Robinson | Poetry Editor (UK) of The Fortnightly Review New Series.
Peter Robinson’s most recent collections include Retrieved Attachments and English Nettles and Other Poems; his translations from Pietro De Marchi, Reports after the Fire: Selected Poems; and The Personal Art: Essays, Reviews & Memoirs. Peter Robinson: A Portrait of his Work, a collection of essays and a bibliography edited by Tom Phillips, has also recently been published. An archive of his work in The Fortnightly Review is indexed here and an audio track of ‘Dreamt Affections’ is here. An extensive interview with poet James Harpur has been added to the Fortnightly here. email robinson<at>
Christina Milletti | Associate Professor of English at the University at Buffalo. Fiction Editor of The Fortnightly Review New Series.
Christina Milletti’s novel Choke Box: a Fem-Noir won the Juniper Prize for Fiction from the University of Massachusetts Press. Her fiction, articles, and reviews have appeared in many journals and anthologies, such as Best New American Voices, the Iowa Review, The Master’s Review, Denver Quarterly, The Cincinnati Review, Studies in the Novel, Zeta, the Brooklyn Rail, American Letters & Commentary, Experimental Fiction and the Buffalo News (among many others). Her first book, The Religious & Other Fictions (a collection of stories) was published by Carnegie Mellon University Press, and her most recent fiction, “The Girling Season,” won the Patron’s Prize from Thornwillow Press and was published in a special letterpress edition. In addition to being an Associate Editor at the American Book Review (2010-present), she co-curates the Exhibit X Fiction Series, a reading series that brings nationally and internationally regarded fiction writers to Buffalo for students and the wider WNY community. An Associate Professor of English at the University at Buffalo, she currently serves as the Executive Director of UB’s Humanities Institute.
Marc Vincenz | Translations and Odd Volumes Editor of The Fortnightly Review New Series.
Marc Vincenz is a multi-lingual poet, fiction writer, journalist, translator, editor, musician and artist. He has published over 40 books of poetry, fiction and translation. His recent poetry collections, include, A Brief Conversation with Consciousness, The Little Book of Earthly Delights, There Might Be a Moon or a Dog, 39 Wonders and Other Management Issues, The Pearl Diver of Irunmani, A Splash of Cave Paint, The King of Prussia is Drunk on Stars, Thieves’ Canto, The Mayfly Codex, and forthcoming in 2026 with White Pine Press, No More Animal Poems. An post-classical / ambient / word music album based on the same book, featuring spoken word poetry, music and soundscapes, and produced by Grammy-Award winning producer, Peter Katis, will be released simultaneously. Marc’s translation of award-winning Swiss poet and novelist, Klaus Merz’ selected poems, An Audible Blue, won the 2023 Massachusetts Book Award for Translated Literature. He translates from the German, Romanian, French and Spanish. He is publisher and editor of MadHat Press and publisher of the essential journal New American Writing, and lives on a farm in Western Massachusetts where there are more spiny-nosed voles, tufted grey-buckle hares and Amoeba scintilla than humans.
Paige Blackburn | Managing Editor of The Fortnightly Review New Series.
Paige Blackburn received their BA in Creative Writing from Lake Forest College. They now work as a full-time editor for an academic publisher and a part-time coordinator of publications for their alma mater. Her work can be found in Unbroken Journal and Fiction Attic Press. Contact them:
Katie Lehman | Associate Editor of The Fortnightly Review New Series.
Katie Lehman received an MFA from the University of Notre Dame in 1999, where she was awarded the 1998 Billy Maich Academy of American Poets Prize. From 2004 to 2010 Lehman was assistant editor at the University of Notre Dame Press, and for many years she has served as a personal editor for her former teacher, the American poet, translator, and David Jones scholar John Matthias. She is the volume editor of Matthias’s Regrounding a Pilgrimage, a collaboration with John Peck and Robert Archambeau (Dos Madres Press, 2018), and her poetry collection Emily Dickinson’s Lexicon was published by Dos Madres Press in 2023. Contact:
Denis Boyles PhD | l’Institut Catholique d’Etudes Supérieures, political science and journalism faculty; teaching fellow, Chavagnes Studium. Founding Co-editor and managing editor of The Fortnightly Review New Series; Founding editor, Odd Volumes.
Denis Boyles was a critic, university lecturer, journalist and editor. He is the author of African Lives, Design Poetics, A Man’s Life and many other books. His latest book: Everything Explained That Is Explainable: On the Creation of the Encyclopedia Britannica’s Celebrated Eleventh Edition, 1910-1911 (Knopf). His criticism and journalism has appeared in The New York Times, The New York Times Book Review, the Washington Post, National Review Online, Toronto Globe & Mail and elsewhere. His doctorate is from the Communications and Media Research Institute (CAMRI) in the University of Westminster.
Alan Macfarlane FBA, FRHistS | Professor Emeritus of Anthropological Science and Life Fellow of King’s College at the University of Cambridge. Co-editor.
Alan Macfarlane is the author of more than twenty books and numerous articles covering English social history, demography in Nepal and the industrial history of England, China and Japan. A survey text, The Invention of the Modern World, has been published by Odd Volumes for subscribers to the Fortnightly, and his recent work, The Survival Manual, was a 2016-2017 Fortnightly serial. A subsequent memoir-serial, My First 30 Years, appeared in the Fortnightly in 2020.
Anthony O’Hear OBE | Former director, Royal Institute of Philosophy, London; Professor of Philosophy and lately Head, Department of Education, University of Buckingham. Editor Emeritus.
Peter Riley | Poetry Editor Emeritus, 2009-2023
Peter Riley is the former co-editor of The English Intelligencer, the former editor of Collection, and the author of fifteen books of poetry – and some of prose. A recipient of a 2012 Cholmondeley Award for poetry, his latest book is The Glacial Stairway (Carcanet, 2011). He lives in Yorkshire. A collection of his “Poetry Notes” is published by Odd Volumes; his webpage is April Eye; the Poetry Notes archive is here.
Production Editors: Cameron Summers, Kim Hall (Odd Volumes)
Nicoletta Asciuto | Contributing editor. Nicoletta Asciuto is an expert linguist and polyglot, with knowledge of eight languages. She is currently Lecturer in Modern literature at the University of York, where she teaches and researches comparative modernism, twentieth-century literature and culture, and translation. Her undergraduate module on literary translation (“Found in Translation: The Practice of Translating Literature”) promotes translation as a creative and critical practice in the English Literature degree. Aside from her academic work, she has published literary translations from Spanish into English and is currently translating a selection of early twentieth-century Italian texts on the radio for Emilie Morin’s Early Radio: An Anthology of European Texts and Translations, forthcoming from Edinburgh University Press in 2022.
Michael Blackburn | Currente Calamo columnist, poet, writer and lecturer Michael Blackburn lives in Lincolnshire. From 2005–2008 he was the Royal Literary Fund fellow at the University of Lincoln where he now teaches English Literature and Creative Writing. His poetry has appeared in numerous publications and anthologies over the years, including Being Alive (Bloodaxe) and Something Happens, Sometimes Here (Five Leaves Press). His most recent collection is Spyglass Over The Lagoon. A selection of his Fortnightly Currente Calamo columns, Sucks To Your Revolution: Annoying The Politically Correct (US), is available as a Kindle ebook. His regular blog is Plunder and Salvage.
Simon Collings | Contributing editor. Simon Collings lives in Oxford and has published poems, stories and critical essays in a range of journals including Stride, Journal of Poetics Research, Café Irreal, Tears in the Fence, Ink Sweat and Tears, Lighthouse and PN Review. He worked for Oxfam for 16 years, where for the last six years he was Fundraising Director. After that, he was CEO of a small non-profit and worked for an organisation which advises renewable energy businesses in Africa. Out West, his first chapbook, was published by Albion Beatnik in 2017, and a second chapbook, Stella Unframed, was released by The Red Ceilings Press in 2018. An archive of his work is here.
Anthony Howell | Contributing editor. A former dancer with the Royal Ballet, Anthony Howell was founder of The Theatre of Mistakes and performed solo at the Hayward Gallery and at the Sydney Biennale. His articles on visual art, dance, performance, and poetry have appeared in Art Monthly, The London Magazine, Harpers & Queen, the Times Literary Supplement, and elsewhere. In 2001 he received a LADA bursary to study the tango in Buenos Aires and now teaches the dance at his studio/gallery, The Room in Tottenham Hale. He is the author of a seminal textbook, The Analysis of Performance Art: A Guide to Its Theory and Practice , several collections of poetry, including The Ogre’s Wife, and translations, including his work with Fawzi Karim in Plague Lands
. His semi-fictional memoir Consciousness (with Mutilation) was published by Odd Volumes in 2019.
John Matthias | contributing editor, is editor emeritus of Notre Dame Review, emeritus professor of English at Notre Dame and the author of some thirty books of poetry, translation, criticism, and scholarship. Shearsman Books published his three volumes of Collected Poems, as well as the uncollected long poem, Trigons, two more volumes of poetry, Complayntes for Doctor Neuro and Acoustic Shadows and a novel, Different Kinds of Music. Tales Tall & Short— Fictional, Factual and In Between was published by Dos Madres in 2020 and The New Yorker recently published his widely read memoir, “Living with a Visionary.” He is a former visiting Fellow and now a Life Member at Clare Hall, Cambridge. His Fortnightly archive is here.
Peter Riley | Poetry Notes.
Hoyt Rogers | Contributing editor. Hoyt Rogers is a writer, editor, translator, the author of a volume of criticism, The Poetics of Inconstancy and a poetry collection, Witnesses. His essays, poems, and stories have appeared in many periodicals. He translates from the French, German, Italian, and Spanish. His translations include the Selected Poems of Jorge Luis Borges, a novel by Philippe Claudel, and three books by Yves Bonnefoy—The Curved Planks, Second Simplicity, and The Digamma. Openwork, an André du Bouchet reader, will be published by Yale later this year (2014). He lives in the Dominican Republic and Italy. Odd Volumes published his translations of Marco Genovesi’s Telegrams from a City Under Siege in 2015.
Ian Sansom | Museums . A new series of mysteries, the “County Guides”, launched in July 2013 with the publication of The Norfolk Mystery (UK) (US). Among his many books is September 1, 1939: A Biography of a Poem (2019). He studied at both Oxford and Cambridge, is a former Fellow of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, and is often heard on Radio Three and Radio Four. He teaches in the Writing Program at the University of Warwick and writes frequently for The Guardian and the London Review of Books.
Ian Seed | Contributing editor. Ian Seed’s books of prose poems and small fictions include New York Hotel (2018); Identity Papers 2016) and Makers of Empty Dreams (2014); and two other collections containing prose poems, Shifting Registers and Anonymous Intruder, all from Shearsman; and two chapbooks, Threadbare Fables (LikeThisPress, 2012) and Distances (Red Ceilings, 2018). The Thief of Talant (2016) (the first translation into English of Pierre Reverdy’s Le Voleur de Talan) is published by Wakefield. His work also appears in a number of anthologies including The Best Small Fictions 2017 (Braddock Avenue Books), The Forward Book of Poetry 2017 (Faber & Faber), The Best British Poetry 2014 (Salt), and the critical anthology, British Prose Poetry: The Poems Without Lines, edited by Jane Monson (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018), and has been featured on BBC Radio 3’s The Verb, hosted by Ian McMillan. He lectures in the Department of English at the University of Chester.
Nathaniel Tarn | Contributing editor. Nathaniel Tarn was a poet, translator, editor, literary and cultural critic and anthropologist. He was born in 1928 in Paris of British and French parents, educated in France, Belgium and England, obtaining degrees from Cambridge, the Sorbonne and Chicago; he emigrated to the United States in 1970, where he taught at American universities until his retirement. He now lives north west of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Although he is perhaps best-known these days as a poet and essayist, he is also an anthropologist, with a particular interest in in Highland Maya studies and the sociology of Buddhist institutions, and a translator of the highest order (see above all his versions of Neruda’s The Heights of Macchu Picchu and Stelae by Victor Segalen). His first collection of poetry was Old Savage/Young City (Cape, London,1964), which was followed the next year by his appearance in the seventh volume of the Penguin Modern Poets series. Three more collections followed in London, during which time he also became founding editor of the remarkable Cape Editions series of seminal modern texts: poetry, prose, anthropology, drama, many of them pioneering translations. He also founded Cape-Goliard: a Poetry Press. He emigrated to the United States in 1970, after which only two more collections — the important volume A Nowhere for Vallejo and the ambitious book-length poem Lyrics for the Bride of God — were to appear in the UK. Thereafter, with the exception of his Shearsman publications and Recollections of Being (Salt), all of his work has appeared in the USA, most significantly: The House of Leaves (Black Sparrow) and Atitlan/Alashka (with Janet Rodney, Brillig Works; also Shearsman), At the Western Gates (Shearsman) and Selected Poems 1950-2000 (Wesleyan UP), Ins & Outs of the Forest Rivers, Gondwana (New Directions). There is also a significant volume of essays in Views from the Weaving Mountain (University of New Mexico). His most recent book is The Hölderliniae (New Directions, 2021), an excerpt from which is here.
John Taylor | Contributing editor. John Taylor is the author of the three-volume essay collection, Paths to Contemporary French Literature (Transaction Publishers, 2004, 2007, 2011) and Into the Heart of European Poetry (Transaction, 2008). He has recently translated books by Philippe Jaccottet, Jacques Dupin, Pierre-Albert Jourdan, and Louis Calaferte. In 2013, he won the Raiziss-de Palchi Translation Fellowship from the Academy of American Poets for his project to translate the Italian poet Lorenzo Calogero. His most recent personal book is If Night is Falling (Bitter Oleander Press, 2012). His translation of Philippe Jaccottet’s Truinas: 21 April 2001 was published in 2018 by Odd Volumes. He has lived in France since 1977.
Alan Wall | Contributing editor. Alan Wall was born in Bradford, lives in North Wales, and studied English at Oxford. He has published six novels and three collections of poetry, including Doctor Placebo. Jacob, a book written in verse and prose, was shortlisted for the Hawthornden Prize. His work has been translated into ten languages. He has published essays and reviews in many different periodicals including the Guardian, Spectator, The Times, Jewish Quarterly, Leonardo, PN Review, London Magazine, The Reader and Agenda. He was Royal Literary Fund Fellow in Writing at Warwick University and Liverpool John Moores and is currently Professor of Writing and Literature at the University of Chester. His book Endtimes has just been published by Shearsman Books, and Badmouth, a novel, was published by Harbour Books in January. Two collections of his essays, Labyrinths and Clues and Walter Benjamin: An Arcade of Reflections, have been published by Odd Volumes, the publishing imprint of The Fortnightly Review, and a third is forthcoming.
Michelene Wandor | Contributing editor. Michelene Wandor is a poet, playwright, short-story writer and musician. From 1971-1982, she was Poetry Editor of Time Out, and in 1987 she was the first woman to have a play on one of the National Theatre stages: her dramatisation of Eugene Sue’s The Wandering Jew. She has written over a hundred hours of drama and dramatisations for BBC radio, many nominated for awards; she has also broadcast extensively, as presenter and reviewer, especially on Spirit of the Age, Radio 3’s long-running early music programme. As a performer of early music, she researched and produced the first CD in the UK of the music of Salamone Rossi, the Jewish composer who was a contemporary of Monteverdi in Mantua. She has published seven collections of poetry, of which Musica Transalpina was a Poetry Book Society Recommendation. Following her two collections of short stories, Guests in the Body, and False Relations, in 2021 she created a collection of bespoke stories, Four Times EightyOne, published by Odd Volumes. Alongside her fiction and non-fiction writing, she held a Royal Literary Fund Fellowship for a number of years, and for over three decades she has taught creative writing in a variety of locations. This led her to write The Author is Not Dead, Merely Somewhere Else (2008), a seminal history and critique of Creative Writing’s pedagogy, followed by The Art of Writing Drama, and Critical-Creative Writing: Two Sides of the Same Coin – a Foundation Reader (2021). Her most recent poetry collection is Travellers (2021), and an archive of her Fortnightly contributions, including an account of her dramatisation of Joyce’s Mrs Dalloway for the BBC, is here.
Nigel Wheale | Contributing editor is the author of Raw Skies: New and Selected Poems (Shearsman 2005) and The Six Strides of Freyfaxi (Oystercatcher 2010). His academic texts include The Postmodern Arts (Routledge 1995) and Writing & Society: Literacy, Print and Politics in Britain 1590-1660 (Routledge 1999). An archive of his work in the Fortnightly may be found here.
Contributors: Roger Berkowitz, Daniel Bosch, Juliet du Boulay, Stan Carey, L.M. Kit Carson, Hugh Chisholm, Robert Coover, Arthur Croxton, John Derbyshire, Ethel Dilke, Stephen Dodson, John Ferriar MD, W. E. Garrett Fisher, Gerald Gaus, Henry R. Haxton, Allen M. Hornblum, Anthony Howell, Kate Hoyland, Charles Jencks, Ann Lauterbach, Jon Lauck, W. J. Lawrence, G. H. Lewes, Alan Macfarlane, Lawrence Markert, Andrew Mitchell, Drew Moore, C. Kegan Paul, Marshall Poe, Ezra Pound, R. L. Ramires (Chronicle & Notices), Lucy Sheehan, Alana Shilling, Andrew Sinclair, Myra Sklarew, Martin Sorrell, Herbert Spencer, William Stafford, Harry Stein, Andrew Thacker, Katharine Tynan, Eugène-Melchior de Vogüé, Alan Wall, Michelene Wandor, Stephen Wiest.
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Postal address for catalogues, review copies, discs and other material:
The Fortnightly Review
Department of English and Creative Writing
Lake Forest College
555 N. Sheridan Road
Lake Forest, IL 60045
Poetry titles submitted for review should be directed to the attention of the poetry editors.
Submissions: Please see our editorial statement and submission guidelines.