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Submission guidelines.

Notes to Contributors.

The current co-editors of The Fortnightly Review’s New Series are
Denis Boyles (managing) and Alan Macfarlane.

Please see this page for details concerning the Fortnightly’s contributing editors who are often asked to provide advice on submissions.

Please see this page if you wish to subscribe or otherwise contribute to the support of The Fortnightly Review.

The Fortnightly Review is a publishing venture independent of institutional affiliation. We do not accept advertising, but may provide notices and links to projects and organizations we endorse or find interesting. We are very much a money-losing enterprise. Our financial support comes solely from readers, commissions on book links and from sales of our own Odd Volumes. We earnestly try to pay our contributors, but not very much.


WE WELCOME SUBMISSIONS OF reviews, essays and reportage, fiction, and even poetry, and appreciate your consideration of the Fortnightly – but see specific guidelines below.

If your submission is unanticipated, please do not send attachments. Simply paste your submission (in plain text, without Word-document modifications) into an email form and send it to under the subject header ‘For consideration.’ Please be certain to include your name and contact details. For longer contributions, queries are preferred, of course.

–> Rights. Please note: We warmly welcome the work of independent scholars and journalists and we can consider previously published material, but only if it is not available elsewhere online. In submitting works, please note that submission is a recognition of The Fortnightly Review‘s assertion of these rights:

Exclusive universal publication rights on the internet for 90 days from the date of publication, and a non-exclusive right to reprint or republish in any subsequent collections in any format.

This means contributors own their own work and retain the right to publish it in print and anywhere online 90 days after publication in The Fortnightly Review. Attribution is appreciated. Note: This website is protected by copyright asserted on behalf of individual contributors.

We do not accept work already available elsewhere online, including in social media, personal blogs or reader comments. A detailed publishing agreement is available on request.

Please do not include us in simultaneous submissions.

Response time is generally less than a fortnight.

Comments are invited if signed. We do not encourage external links in comments. A commenting tool appears at the bottom of every page. All comments are moderated before publication. This may occasion a delay in posting.

Reviews of books, music, films, exhibits, plays, lectures and performances: Query first.

Essays and reportage. We enjoy these most. We tend especially to appreciate pieces with very high archival value. Long reads are welcome. Please do not include images unless requested. We prefer a simplified citation style for scholarly submissions, as The Fortnightly Review is not an academic journal. Readability trumps. However, as for questions of formal citation style, we prefer New Hart’s Rules: The Oxford Style Guide and subscribe to the guidance in chapter 17 in the current edition of that work.

A further note on manuscript style: We use two style manuals based on provenance: CMOS for American contributors and Oxford/Hart’s for UK and Commonwealth contributors. However, manuscript consistency outweighs other considerations. House style conforms to template/database limitations.

Fiction. We encourage the contribution of very short, experimental fiction.

Serials. Unpublished full-length fiction or non-fiction manuscripts may be considered for serial publication. Please query first.

Poetry. We prefer poetry in standard forms; we discourage the submission of poems with irregular spacing, over-long lines, inexplicable gaps and irregular indents (especially extreme indents), since the content-management tool we use makes these difficult to present. All poetry submissions should be directed to the poetry editors:

Robert Archambeau (US)

Peter Robinson (UK – Commonwealth)

Rights acquired. Please see this page to review our standard online publishing agreement. (If a password is required it will be supplied by the acquiring editor.) It applies to all work published here. By submitting work for consideration, you agree to the terms of the agreement.

Work submitted for review.

Please direct books, discs, videos, etc. to the editorial office:

Postal address:
The Fortnightly Review
96 rue du Calvaire
85250 Chavagnes-en-Paillers

Poetry for review. Please direct all books of poetry to the attention of the poetry editors (above).

To subscribe, please see this page. And thank you for asking.

Effective from 1 June 2009. Last revision: 5 June 2023.