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Index: Six-way Mirror

34 The Angel

‘THE ANGEL IN disguise at your table may ineptly face-paint your wee ones, whose tears will mend holes in hand-me-downs.’ When the pharaoh in a jealous rage launched his genocide, the angel who descended from Adam and from heaven led an army against him, streaming like light from the sun in splendour. Though he’d dreamed […]

33 The Wheel

‘THE “WOODEN OX”, the “gliding horse” flourish as ancient roads disintegrate. The wheel takes all the load, the narrow felloe cleaving clayey soils.’ Oiling the hub are the three poisons: foolish pig, angry snake, uxorious dove. A potter shapes a dish, a monkey clutches at fruit, a swaddled corpse is left in the fetal posture […]

32 The Footprint

‘THERE ARE TWO extremes: the fresh print and the fossilised print; detection and preservation. Most of us escape both.’ Students stand in flour and then step aside onto paper. Meanwhile, the lecturer expounds one of the niceties of sleuthing: the marks of other non-living items (not just shoes). ‘Think of bicycle tracks, or even a […]

31 The Poet

‘CATCH ME SOME radio words, elegant on the page. Lucent. Patina. Cerulean. Only a vibrissa from the indescribable essence.’ Your to-do list has two topics: the Chinese wheelbarrow, suggesting a form; and ‘Shenandoah’, shanty of lost love, a thousand miles, oddly, from the outlet mentioned. A ten-metre scroll of prosperous Suzhou shows not one wheel, […]

30 The Hunt

‘IF THE TROPHY hunter fails to close with an animal that satisfies his strict criteria, he may never fire a shot all season, except, in the final weeks, for meat.’ The raffle prize? The chance to name and shoot a lion. He’s licensed to take three and ship their heads back home. An English-speaking bearer […]

29 The Cupboard

‘THE MOTHER NEEDS rest. From the nurses’ muster point you can see the stationery cupboard, door open. Baby lies asleep on a mattress of Jiffy bags.’ We seldom turn to look when hinges squeal. Discreetly accurate, they are mostly silent, even if lacking ball bearings. Complex things often outlive simple things – a panel of […]

28 The Sea

‘THE KENDAI IS a fake bluefin, a hatchery bum, with no more understanding of the sea than a concubine in the court of Genghis Khan.’ Pilots who ditch their planes and take to a life raft qualify ipso facto for the Goldfish Club. Crossing-the-line humiliation brings protection by order of King Neptune. Copies of certificates, […]

27 Gold

‘BE FORTUNE’S HORSEMAN, not its horse. Ride gold to the end of time’s alley. Sunbathing in splendour makes a fossil of us all.’ Money elopes to gold like the clothes peg infanta to her prince annually enriched by meteor showers. Protected from poisons and revolution, nevertheless he frets about downstairs rumours of social reconditioning – […]

26 The Owl

‘THE CALL FROM tree to tree makes total sense of the darkness. The wood just woke me when it drained itself of light – you too!’ They venture from their lairs, a furtive demolition crew. Daylight, not this dark, is the realm of secrets. The woodland floor is teeming – careless around the base of […]

25 The Leader

‘CREATIVELY LEVERAGE THE passion of your Tao self-branding. Run your followers delicately, as if cooking tiny fish.’ A kingfisher in the gloaming is the only signatory to a compromise hammered out on a duck punt. Back home there’s a kill list, encrypted; drones patrol his dreams. The native quotas are unattainable without patrician support. Loathing […]

23 The Journey

Robert Saxton: ‘You’re still planning your reckless adventure, pondering what you’ll need?
Just take half the clothes and twice the money, and go.’

24 The Well

‘LOOK, A WOMAN at the well in the noonday sun! The other villagers must hate her, no doubt for immorality.’ Big glacial stones underneath might prohibit driving a point in the yard. A driven point seeks its own course: it would either wallop into a boulder and stop dead or else bend till the drive […]

22 The Mouth

‘A HIGHLIGHT OF the first International Phonetics Symposium will be a click song in Ndebele – with drum accompaniment (tsk! tsk!).’ Mouth breathing, speaking of the private troubles of the nose, shows symptoms akin to vacancy. Yogis find the practice disgusting. Exhalation through the broad hatch of the mouth reduces back pressure, hastening air escape, […]

21 The Hermit

‘MUSIC FOR THE hermit. Unlike heat and light, this is a gift he’ll struggle to refuse, sitting in a grotto in his busker’s cap.’ He calls himself Coyote. Of his thousand burglaries he is proudest of those that might be attributed to forgetfulness – a book lent to a neighbour, a half-eaten loaf fed to […]

20 The Bridge

‘THOUGH THEIR FAITH requires slenderness, transparency for the landscape, there’s an issue all bridge-makers face: the curse of the signature.’ Stresses hold their balance for the leap from shore to shore. Those who wish to linger often reduce themselves to some special provision, an eddy in the flow. Minutes are precious but an hour feels […]