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Index: Currente Calamo

Protecting the culture.

Michael Blackburn; ‘What to do with something like Notre Dame has ramifications beyond the physical. A culture is more than its buildings, which can be preserved in some manner even if they are drastically altered. What also needs preservation and nourishing are all the other living parts – the arts and sciences, the language, the institutions, the appreciation of the land, its birds, beasts and flowers, and so on.’

The Ladies of Aintree.

By MICHAEL BLACKBURN. THERE’S AN OLD folk song that starts: So the Ladies of Aintree went out for the day, With hey and a ho and hey nonny-no, And they took to the course with their flesh on display, With a hey and a ho and hey nonny-no… and then goes on for a dozen […]

The egging of Anning.

By MICHAEL BLACKBURN. NOBODY SHOULD BE surprised that malevolence can be found in the hearts of humans wherever they live, even New Zealand. The massacre at the mosques in Christchurch was not surprising because it happened, given the febrile nature of the world, but because of where it happened. I don’t want to be rude […]

Fluffy Bunnies & Cuddly Piggies.

Michael Blackburn: ‘If young people are so keen on saving the environment they should get out into it a bit more, even if it is just to walk in the countryside. They could be involved in helping conservation groups, visiting farms or cleaning up verges, watercourses and beaches, and improving their physical and mental health at the same time. It would be more constructive than going on marches organised by older, cynical ideologues out to manipulate them.’

Priest of the Awkward Squad.

Michael Blackburn: ‘And so we come back to the beginning: somebody says something you don’t like, you push the outrage button, release the predigested script and hope the collective flood washes it all away. You’ll do anything to avoid the lonely process of having to think for yourself. That would be too hard, wouldn’t it? Worse, you might find you’re not as virtuous as you think you are.’

Stasi and Snitch.

Michael Blackburn: And as for those pinnacles of British university education, Oxford and Cambridge, you can forget about them. Plans are afoot to make the Oxford Classics degree easier for the girls because not enough of them are getting Firsts. We can’t have another gender gap, can we?

Fight, Fight for Europe! No Thanks.

Michael Blackburn: ‘the one clear, incontrovertible truth the Brexit business has demonstrated to us in our knuckle-dragging oikiness is the blistering ineptitude of our politicians.’

Dad: bad, mad, sad.

Michael Blackburn: ‘God help the poor blokes who end up being “helped” by those espousing these ideas. If they aren’t screwed up when they start they certainly will be by the time the shrinks have finished with them.’

The Discomfiting of a Hitchens.

By MICHAEL BLACKBURN. THE ONLY TIME I heard the late Christopher Hitchens thrown off balance in a discussion was when he was discussing Trotsky with Matthew Parris and Robert Service. Hitchens had put forward Trotsky as his choice for the “Great Lives” series on Radio 4 (2006), hosted by ex-Tory MP, Matthew Parris. Robert Service’s […]

Posh Potty-Mouths v. Plebs

By MICHAEL BLACKBURN. WITHNAIL AND I is one of my favourite films and I make sure I watch it once a year just to refresh my admiration for its impressive list of one-liners. If you don’t enjoy the film I can only grieve for you. There are two monstrous characters in the film, Withnail obviously […]

Respecting the Ancientry.

Michael Blackburn: ‘I don’t know what he or my grandmother would have thought about the EU. They died before Britain joined the Common Market as it was then called. I suspect they may have been ambivalent at best. My grandmother despised the French (“let us down in both world wars,” I recall her saying) and there was little love among most Brits of their age, and my father’s, for the Germans. They had reasons for their hatreds. ‘

Beauty, Buildings and the Cretinocracy.

Michael Blackburn: ‘At this advanced stage of the left’s heretic-hunting psychopathy we know there’s no need either to take these accusations seriously or to engage in an intellectual rebuttal of them. There’s no point arguing with cretins. I should think that Scruton is sound enough to withstand this (it’s an unpaid position, so there are no financial implications) but whether the politicians are is another question.’

The New Media become the Old Media.

Michael Blackburn: ‘We are slipping back into the old days when we were mere consumers of whatever the media put in front of us, except that as we are given less and less input of our own, those opposing us are given more. There is still hope that freedom of speech will survive the coming suppression. ‘

This is our unstable world.

Michael Blackburn: ‘Sometimes I get the feeling that there are other, deeper, more subterranean forces at work, that cannot be ascribed purely to changes wrought by technology, politics or religion. The latter may just be the excrescences of those deeper forces. Without going all Spenglerian it seems obvious there is an arc to all empires and civilisations, of birth, development, achievement and then decay.’

Our mechanical life.

Michael Blackburn: ‘It’s no wonder so many young people leave school semi-literate and semi-numerate. How can you teach literature, for example, when you have to present pupils with fragments of a book only, and are actively discouraged from getting them to read the whole book? (I have two examples of this told to me recently.) ‘