By DAVID-ANTOINE WILLIAMS [The Life of Words] — Below I have three network graphs representing the nominees and winners between 2010 and 2014 of the T. S. Eliot Prize, the Forward Prize (Best Collection category), and the Griffin Prize, where the judges and nominees are poets based in the UK or Ireland. There are 174 nominations in those five years, shared among 61 individuals. Because the TSE prize has the most nominations and all judges are usually poets, it accounts for 129 of the 174 nominations.
The nodes represent poets. The colour of the node represents the publisher (see last graph for legend). The size of the node and the name differs based on the graph–see below. The lines represent a nomination for a prize (labelled on the line somewhere) with each prize a different colour. Winners are represented by a thicker line. The exceptions to the line-colour rule are the lines connecting Fiona Sampson to David Harsent, Michael Longley, John Burnside, and Sean O’Brien. That’s because each of these people was nominated more than once by Sampson: Harsent for 2014 TSE (winner), 2012 Griffin (winner), and 2011 Forward; Longley for the 2014 TSE and 2011 Forward; Burnside also for the 2014 TSE and 2011 Forward (winner), and O’Brien for the 2012 Griffin and 2011 Forward. No other judge picked the same poet more than once…
1. UK Poetry Prize Nomination Network, nominees highlighted.
Here the larger the node and name, the more nominations a poet has received
Continued at The Life of Words | More Chronicle & Notices.
Also in The Fortnightly:
- Peter Riley: Poetry Prize Culture and the Aberdeen Angus.
- Anthony Howell: Fear & Loathing at the RFH.
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Hello. Please note updated, expanded, and improved charts in my follow up post: “Now With More Nodes!”
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