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• Event: If you ‘Take a Trollope’ on holiday, it won’t matter where you go.

[The Trollope Society] – We have been asking which Trollope you’d like to take on holiday. Of over 5,000 votes the overwhelming favourite is Barchester Towers, so this August we are holding a Barchester Towers Summer Read. Barchester Towers is Trollope’s most famous and best-loved novel. Following the intrigues and machinations of the clergy of cathedral city of Barchester; the story is of the contest between the redoubtable Mrs Proudie, the oily Mr Slope and the worldy Archeacon, Dr Grantly, for control of the diocese.

Join in the Trollope Society’s Summer Read and attend their online discussion group. They’d love to know what you think of Barchester Towers. Go on. Take a Trollope on holiday!

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