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The Invention of the Modern World: Bibliography

Note: All books published in London, unless otherwise indicated.
Acton, Modern: Lord Acton, Lectures in Modern History (1907)

Ady, Candle: Thomas Ady, Candle in the Dark (1656)

Allen, ‘Yangtze’: Robert C. Allen, ‘Agricultural Productivity and rural Incomes in England and the Yangtze Delta, c. 1620-c.18200’, working paper on Robert C. Allen’s website at Nuffield College, Oxford (2006)

Allen, ‘Wages’: Robert C. Allen and others, ‘Wages, Prices, and Living Standards in china, 1738-1925’, Oxford University, Department of Economics Working Paper No.316 (2007)

Allen, British: Robert C. Allen, The British Industrial Revolution in Global Perspective (Cambridge, 2009)

Arnold, Culture: Matthew Arnold, Culture and Anarchy (Cambridge, 1981)

Bacon, Essays: Francis Bacon, The Essayes or Counsels Civill & Morall (Everyman Library edn.)

Baker, History: J. H. Baker, An Introduction to English Legal History (2nd edn., 1979)

Barker, Character: Ernest Barker (ed.), The Character of England (Oxford,1947)

Barrington-Moore, Origins: Barrington Moore, Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy, Lord & Peasant in the Making of the Modern World (1969)

Becon, Works: Thomas Becon, The Catechism with other pieces written by him in the reign of King Edward the Sixth (Cambridge 1844), ed John Ayre

Bell, English: G.K.A. Bell (Bishop of Chichester), The English Church (1942)

Benson, College: A.C. Benson, From a College Window ( 2006)

Bennett, Anglo-Sphere: James, C. Bennett, The Anglosphere Challenge (2004)

Bernal, Science: J.D. Bernal, Science in History (1957)

Betjeman, English: John Betjeman, English Cities and Small Towns (1943)

Blaut, Colonizer’s: J.M. Blaut, The Colonizer’s Model of the World (New York, 1993)

Bloch, Feudal: Marc Bloch, Feudal Society (2nd edn., 1962), tr. L.A. Manyon, 2 vols

Boesche, Tocqueville: Roger Boesche, The Strange Liberalism of Alexis de Tocqueville (New York, 1987)

Boswell, London: Boswell’s London Journal 1762-1763 (Heinemann, 1951), ed. F.E.Pottle

Braudel, Capitalism: Fernand Braudel, Capitalism and Material Life 1400-1800 (1967)

Brenner and Isett, ‘England’: Robert Brenner and Christopher Isett, ‘England’s Divergence from China’s Yangzi Delta’, Journal of Asian Studies, vol. 61, No. 2 (May, 2002)

Brogan, English: D.W. Brogan, The English People, Impressions & Observations (1944)

Bryant, ‘Divergence’: Joseph M. Bryant, ‘The West and the Rest Revisited’, Canadian Journal of Sociology, vol. 31, no.4 (Autumn, 2006)

Burckhardt, Reflections: Jakob Burchardt, Reflections on History (1950)

Burke, Popular: Peter Burke, Popular Culture in Early Modern Europe (1978)

Burke, Inns: Thomas Burke, English Inns (1946)

Burridge, New: Kenelm Burridge, New Heaven, New Earth, a study of millenarian activities (1971)

Burt, Letters; Burt’s Letters from the North of Scotland. Intro. R. Jamieson. (Edinburgh 1876), 2 vols

Caldwell, Fertility: John C. Caldwell, Theory of Fertility Decline (1982)

Campbell, Yeoman: Mildred Campbell, The English Yeoman Under Elizabeth and the Early Stuarts (Yale, 1942)

Cammaerts, English: Emile Cammaerts, Discoveries in England (1930)

Cecil, English: David Cecil, The English Poets (1947)

Chamberlayne, Present: John Chamberlayne, Magna Britannia Notitia: or The Present State of Great Britain (33rd edn. of the South part, called England; and the twelfth of the North part, called Scotland. 1737)

Clark, Subsistence: M.R. Colin Clark and M.R. Haswell, The Economics of Subsistence Agriculture (3rd edn., 1967)

Cohen, Scientific: Floris E. Cohen, The Scientific Revolution, a historical inquiry (Chicago, 1994)

Coke, Reports: Edward Coke, Reports (c1777), edited George Wilson

Comenius, Orbis: Johannes Comenius, Orbis Sensualium Pictus. (1672; facsimile reprint, Sydney, 1967)

Common Weal: A Discourse of the Common Weal of this Realm of England (1581; Cambridge, 1954), ed. Elizabeth Lamond

Defoe, Journal: Daniel Defoe, A Journal of the Plague Year (Everyman edn., 1963)

Diamond, Guns: Jared Diamond, Guns, Germs and Steel (1997)

Dorson, Peasant: Richard M. Dorson (ed.), Peasant Customs and Savage Myths, selections from the British folklorists (1968)

Douglas, Purity: Mary Douglas, Purity and Danger, an analysis of concepts of pollution and taboo (1966)

Drescher, Tocqueville: Seymour Drescher, Tocqueville and England (Harvard, 1964)

Duchesne, Uniqueness: Ricardo Duchesne, The Uniqueness of Western Civilization (Leiden, 2011)

Elvin, Pattern: Mark Elvin, The Pattern of the Chinese Past (1973)

Emerson, English: Ralph Waldo Emerson, English Traits (Boston, 1884)

Fischer, Albion’s: David Hackett Fisher, Albion’s Seed (Oxford, 1989)

Fortescue, Governance: John Fortescue, The Governance of England (Oxford, 1885), ed. Charles Plummer

Fox, Watching: Kate Fox, Watching the English; The Hidden Rules of English Behaviour (2005)

Fox, Emergence: Edward W. Fox, The Emergence of the Modern World (1972)

Frank, ReOrient: Andre Gunder Frank, ReOrient, Global Economy in the Asian Age (California, 1998)

Freeman, Growth: E.A.Freeman, Growth of the English Constitution (1998)

Freeman, First Essays: E.A. Freeman, Historical Essays, 1st Series (1886)

Freeman, 4th Essays: E.A. Freeman, Historical Essays, 4th Series (1892)

Fukuyama, Trust: Francis Fukuyama, Trust (1995)

Fukuzawa, Autobiography: Yukichi Fukuzawa, The Autobiography of Yukichi Fukuzawa (New York, 1972), tr. Eiichi Kiyooka

Geertz, Agricultural: Clifford Geertz, Agricultural Involution (California, 1968)

Gellner, Nations: Ernest Gellner, Nations and Nationalism (Oxford, 1983)

Gellner, Plough: Ernest Gellner, Plough, Sword and Book (1988)

Gellner, Legitimation: Ernest Gellner, Legitimation of Belief (Cambridge, 1979)

Gellner, Nations: Ernest Gellner, Nations and Nationalism (Oxford, 1983)

Gellner, Thought: Ernest Gellner, Thought and Change (1969)

George, London: M.D.George, London Life in the Eighteenth Century (1965)

Gibbon, Decline: Edward Gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Chandos Classics edn., no date)

Gibbon, Autobiography: Edward Gibbon, The Autobiography (Oxford, 1959), ed. Lord Sheffield

Goldstone, Why Europe: Jack Goldstone, Why Europe? (2008)

Goode, World: W.J.Goode, World Revolution and Family Patterns (New York, 1968)

Goody, East: Jack Goody, The East in the West (Cambridge, 1996)

Goody, Eurasian: Jack Goody, The Eurasian Miracle (Cambridge, 2010)

Guizot, History: François Guizot, The History of Civilization in Europe (1846; Penguin edn., 1997)

Hall and Mann, European: John Hall, Michael Mann and Jean Baechler, (eds.) Europe and the Rise of Capitalism (Oxford, 1988)

Harbison, Spaces: Robert Harbison, Eccentric Spaces (1977)

Harrison, Description: William Harrison, The Description of England (1577,1587; Cornell, 1968), ed. Georges Edelen

Hazard, European: Paul Hazard, The European Mind (1680-1715) (1953)

Hearn, East: Lafcadio Hearn, Out of the East (1927)

Herbert, Uncommon: A.P.Herbert, Uncommon Law (1937)

Hirschman, Passions: Albert O. Hirschman, The Passions and the Interests (Princeton, 1968)

Hobson, Evolution: John A. Hobson, The Evolution of Modern Capitalism (Revised edn., 1926)

Hodgson, Venture: Marshall Hodgson, The Venture of Capitalism (Chicago, 1977)

Horton, ‘Open’: Robin Horton, ‘African Traditional Thought and Western Science’ in Robin Horton and Ruth Finnegan (eds.), Modes of Thought (1973)

Huang, ‘Great’: Philip Huang, ‘Development or Involution in Eighteenth-Century Britain and China?’, Journal of Asian Studies, vol.61, no. 2 (May, 2002)

Huff, Science: Toby E. Huff, The Rise of Early Modern science, Islam, China, and the West (Cambridge, 1993)

Huizinga, Confessions: J.H. Huizinga, Confessions of a European in England (1958)

Hume, Essays: David Hume, Essays, Literary, Moral and Political (1873)

Huxley, East: Elspeth Huxley, East Africa (1941)

Italian Relation: A Relation, or rather a true account of the Islands of England… About the year 1500, trans. C.A. Sneyd (Camden Society, 1848)

Jacob, Scientific: Margaret C. Jacob, Scientific Culture and the Making of the Industrial West (Oxford, 1997)

Jacques, China: Martin Jacques, When China Rules the World (2009)

Jaspers, Goal: Karl Jaspers, The Origin and Goal of History (1953)

Jones, European: E.L.Jones, The European Miracle (Cambridge, 1983)

Kames, Sketches: Lord Kames, Sketches of the History of Man (Basil, 1796)

Kroeber, Anthropology: A.L.Kroeber, Anthropology (New York, 1948)

Kussmaul, Farm: Anne Kussmaul, Servants in Husbandry (Cambridge, 1981)

Laing, Observations: Samuel Laing, Observations on the Social and Political State of the European People in 1848 and 1849 (1850)

Landes, Prometheus: David Landes, The Unbound Prometheus ( Cambridge, 1975)

Landes, Wealth: David Landes, The Wealth and Poverty of Nations (1998)

Langford, English: Paul Langford, Englishness Identified (Oxford, 2000)

Laslett, Illicit: Peter Laslett, Family Life and Illicit Love in Earlier Generations (Cambridge, 1977)

Latour, Never: Bruno Latour, We Have Never Been Modern (Harvard, 1993)

Li and van Zanden, ‘Before’: Bozhong Li and Jan Luiten van Zanden, ‘Before the Great Divergence? Comparing the Yangzi Delta and the Netherlands at the beginning of the nineteenth century’, unpublished paper (available from

Lloyd, Folk: A.L. Lloyd, Folk Song in England (1969)

Macfarlane, Justice: Alan Macfarlane, The Justice and the Mare’s Ale (Oxford, 1981)

Macfarlane, Cambridge: Alan Macfarlane, The Culture of Capitalism (Oxford, 1987)

Macfarlane, Josselin: Alan Macfarlane, The Family Life of Ralph Josselin (Cambridge, 1970)

Macfarlane, Savage: Alan Macfarlane, The Savage Wars of Peace ( 1997)

Macfarlane, Individualism: Alan Macfarlane, The Origins of English Individualism (Oxford, 1978)

Macfarlane, Marriage: Alan Macfarlane, Marriage and Love in England, 1300-1840 (1986)

Macfarlane, Letters: Alan Macfarlane, Letters to Lily; On How the World Works (2005)

Macfarlane, Making: Alan Macfarlane, The Making of the Modern World (2002)

McLynn, Crime: Frank McLynn, Crime and Punishment in Eighteenth-Century England (1989)

Maillaud, English: Pierre Maillaud, The English Way (Oxford, 1945)

Malthus, Population: Thomas Malthus, An Essay on Population (2nd edn., Everyman Library edn., no date), 2 vols.

Maitland, History: F.W. Maitland, History of English Law before the Time of Edward I, with Sir F.Pollock (originally published in 1895, 2nd edn., Cambridge, 1923) preface by S.F.C.Milsom to the reprint of 2nd edn., Cambridge, 1968

Maitland, Political: F. W. Maitland, Political Theories of the Middle Ages, by Otto Gierke, translated and introduction by Maitland (Cambridge, 1900)

Maitland, Equity: F. W. Maitland, Equity also The Forms of Action at Common Law; Two Courses of Lectures (Cambridge, 1909)

Maitland, Collected: The Collected Papers of Frederic William Maitland, ed. H.A.L.Fisher (Cambridge, 1911), 3 volumes

Maitland, Constitutional: F. W. Maitland, The Constitutional History of England (Cambridge, 1919)

Maitland, ‘Why’: F.W. Maitland, ‘Why the history of English law has never been written’, in Maitland, Collected Papers, vol. 1

Maine, Communities: Henry Maine, Village Communities in the East and West (3rd edn., 1879)

Mandeville, Fable: Bernard Mandeville, The Fable of the Bees (Penguin edn., 1970), ed. Phillip Harth

Marx, Grundrisse: Karl Marx, Grundrisse, Foundations of the Critique of Political Economy (Penguin edn., 1974), trans Martin Nicolaus

Matthews, English: Kenneth Matthews, ‘English Philosophers’ in Impressions of English Literature (1944), ed. W.J.Turner

Mill, Autobiography: John Stuart Mill, Autobiography (Oxford, 1952)

Millar, Historical: John Millar, An Historical View of the English Government… (1812), 4 vols.

Miller, First: Hugh Miller, First Impressions of England and its People (3rd edn., 1853)

Mokyr, Lever: Joel Mokyr, The Lever of Riches (Oxford, 1992)

Mokyr, Industrial: Joel Mokyr (ed.), The British Industrial Revolution (Westview, 1992)

Mokyr, Enlightened: Joel Mokyr, The Enlightened Economy (Yale, 2009)

Montaigne, Essays: The Essays of Montaigne (Oxford, 1935), trans E.J. Trechmann, 2 vols

Montesquieu, Spirit: Baron de Montesquieu, The Spirit of the Laws (1748; New York, 1975)), tr. Thomas Nugent, 2 vols in 1

Morley, Seventeenth: Henry Morley (ed.), Character Writings of the Seventeenth Century (1891)

Morris, Why West: Ian Morris, Why the West Rules – for Now (2010)

Morris, West: Brian Morris, Western Conceptions of the Individual (New York, 1991)

Moryson, Itinerary: Fynes Moryson, An Itinerary, containing his Ten Yeeres Travell …(Glasgow, 1907-8)

Mumford, Technics: Lewis Mumford, Technics and Civilization (1947)

North and Thomas, Rise: Douglass C. North and Robert P. Thomas, The Rise of the Western World (Cambridge, 1973)

Oschinsky, Walter: Dorothea Oschinsky (ed.), Walter of Henley & Other Treatises on Estate Management and Accounting (Oxford, 1971)

Orwell, Lion: George Orwell, The Lion and the Unicorn (1941; 1982)

Orwell, Pamphleteers: George Orwell and Reginald Reynolds (eds.), British Pamphleteers (1948)

Pascal, Penseés: Blaise Pascal, Penseés (Paris, 1844), ed. P. Faugère

Paxman, English: Jeremy Paxman, The English (Penguin, 1999)

Peacock, English: W. Peacock (ed.), English Prose (Oxford, 1921), vol. 1

Pearson, Elizabethans: Lu Emily Pearson, Elizabethans at Home (Stanford, 1967)

Pevsner, Englishness: Nikolaus Pevsner, The Englishness of English Art (1956)

Pomeranz, Divergence: Kenneth Pomeranz, The Great Divergence (Princeton, 2000)

Popper, Open: Karl Popper, The Open Society and its Enemies (1966)

Porter, Eighteenth: Roy Porter, English Society in the Eighteenth Century (revised edn., 1990)

Portheim, England: Paul Cohen-Portheim, England, The Unknown Isle (1930), trans. Alan Harris

Property of Things: Bartholomaeus Anglicus, On the Properties of Things (Oxford, 1975), trans. John Trevisa, 2 vols

Quotations: The Penguin Dictionary of Quotations (1960), eds. J.M. and M.J. Cohen

Quotations (Oxford): The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations (Oxford, 1950)

Roberts, Triumph: J.M. Roberts, The Triumph of the West (1985)

Rochefoucauld, Frenchman: François de la Rochefoucauld, A Frenchman in England, 1784 (Cambridge, 1933), trans and introduced by Jean Marchand and S.C. Roberts

Rogers, Work: Thorold Rogers, Six Centuries of Work and Wages (12th edn., 1917)

Rogers, , Industrial: Thorold Rogers, The Industrial and Commercial History of England (London 1892)

Rosenberg, Family: Charles Rosenberg (ed.), The Family in History (Pennsylvania, 1975)

Rostow, Stages: W.W.Rostow, The Stages of Economic Growth (Cambridge, 1962)

Rye, England: W.B.Rye (ed.), England as seen by Foreigners; in the days of Elizabeth and James the First (New York, 1865; 1967)

Salzman, English: L.F. Salzman, English Life in the Middle Ages (Oxford, 1926)

Saussure, Foreign: César de Saussure, A Foreign View of England in the Reigns of George I and George II (1902), trans Madame van Muyden

Shapin, Social: Steven Shapin, A Social History of Truth (Chicago, 1994)

Simmel, Sociology: Georg Simmel, The Sociology of Georg Simmel (Illinois, 1950), trans and ed., Kurt H. Wolff

Smith, De Republica: Sir Thomas Smith, De Republica Anglorum (1583; Cambridge, 1982), ed. Mary Dewar

Smith, Moral: Adam Smith, The Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759), George Bell, 1907

Smith, Wealth: Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1775; Chicago, 1976)), 2 vols in 1

Smith, Philosophical: Adam Smith, Essays on Philosophical Subjects, (Indianapolis, 1982)

Smith, Jurisprudence: Adam Smith, Lectures on Jurisprudence (Indianapolis, 1982)

Smith, Corporations: M.G. Smith, Corporations and Society (1974)

Sorokin, Sociological: Pitrim Sorokin, Contemporary Sociological Theories (1928)

Stewart, Works: Dugald Stewart, Collected Works (1856; reprint 1971), ed. Sir William Hamilton, 11 vols

Stubbs, Constitutional: William Stubbs, Constitutional History of England (Oxford, 1874-8)

Sugarman, ‘Law’: David Sugarman, ‘In the `Spirit of Weber: Law, Modernity and “The Peculiarities of the English”, Institute for Legal Studies, Wisconsin, Working Papers Series 2 (September, 1987)

Sumner, Folkways: William Graham Sumner, Folkways (1934)

Taine, Notes: Hippolyte Taine, Notes on England (1957), trans. Edward Hyams

Thomas, Religion: Keith Thomas, Religion and the Decline of Magic (1973)

Thomas, Natural: Keith Thomas, Man and the Natural World (1983)

Thompson, ‘Peculiarities’: E.P.Thompson, ‘The Peculiarities of the English’, Socialist Register, ed. Ralph Millband and John Saville (1965)

Tidrick, Empire: Kathryn Tidrick, Empire and the English Character; The Illusion of Authority (1990)

Tocqueville, Journeys to America: Alexis de Tocqueville, Journey to America, (1959) tr. George Lawrence1959

Tocqueville, Recollections: The Recollections of Alexis de Tocqueville (1893; 1948), ed. J.P.Mayer, tr. Alexander Teixeira de Mattos

Tocqueville, Journey: Alexis de Tocqueville, Journeys to England and Ireland (New York, 1968), ed. J.P.Mayer, tr. George Lawrence and K.P.Mayer

Tocqueville, Memoir: Memoir, Letters, and Remains of Alexis de Tocqueville (Cambridge 1961), 2 vols

Tocqueville, Democracy: Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America (1835, 1840; 1968), 2 vols. tr. George Lawrence

Tocqueville, Democracy (abridged): Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America (1835, 1840; 1956), 2 vols. Abridged into one by Richard D. Heffner

Tocqueville, Ancien: Alexis de Tocqueville, L’Ancien Regime (1856; Oxford, 1956), tr. M.W.Patterson

Toynbee, History: Arnold Toynbee, A Study of History (new edn., abridged, Oxford, 1972)

Veliz, Gothic: Claudio Veliz, The New World of the Gothic Fox (California, 1994)

Voltaire, Letters: Voltaire, Letters Concerning the English Nation (1925)

Vries, Economic: Jan de Vries,

Vries, Peking: Peer Vries, Via Peking back to Manchester (2003)

Walzer, Revolution: Michael Walzer, The Revolution of the Saints (1966)

White, Technology: Lynn White, Medieval Technology and Social Change (Oxford, 1980)

Wigmore, Panorama: W.H. Wigmore, Panorama of the World’s Legal Systems (1928), 3 vols

Wilson, Strange: Francesca M. Wilson (ed.), Strange Island; Britain through Foreign Eyes 1395-1940 (1955)

Wong, China: R. Bin Wong, China Transformed (1998)

Wormald, ‘Feud’ Jenny Wormald, ‘Bloodfeud, Kindred and Government in Early Modern Scotland’, Past and Present, 87 (May 1980).

Wright, Decent: Lawrence Wright, Clean and Decent (1966)

Wrigley, Energy: E.A. Wrigley, Energy and the Industrial Revolution (Cambridge, 2010)

Wrigley, ‘Modernization’, E.A. Wrigley, ‘The Process of Modernization and the Industrial Revolution in England’, Jnl. Of Interdisciplinary History, vol. III (1972)

2012 Spring-Summer Serial Index.