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Cluster index: Colin Honnor

A Nocturnalle upon St Agatha’s Day, travelling East.

Colin Honnor: ‘…strange night, naked blue eloquent mystery / in the Venusian seventh house of Mars / the pure aspect of Scorpio inclines / asseverate charts table the mapped heavens…’

Three poems.

Colin Honnor: ‘Readied for the Push in drizzle
of Flanders in a blind November
they heard the music of the brazier
singing the chorus of the ember…’

‘After Tranströmer’ and four more poems.

Colin Honnor: ‘Glimmer cradled light on the waves of leaves
after the olive light on dusty leaves, after
the grey-green and black rain
into the nets, you he all of them
ritual, half-year’s rite to gather
threshing the filled branches with your canes
the olive rain, the hard bitter stones.’